Terms of Service




The Panel (1): 

1.1: “The service”, “Our service”, “This panel”, “The Panel” refers to this donation platform on this specific domain and may not be confused as something else.

Community Name (2): 

2.1: “Us”, “We”, “Our”, “Non-Stop Networks” all refers to Non-Stop Networks name as a group, as a community. We are not responsible for any mistakes you may have made with our service.

General (3):

3.1: Non-Stop Networks owns and operates this website(https://www.nsn.gg/). This document governs your relationship with Non-Stop Networks, the website (https://www.nsn.gg/), the service and any associations with the Non-Stop Network title. 

3.2: By becoming a “Donator” you are not any less obligated to the server rules then a regular player. Staff will not give you any special privileges or treat you any differently. Do not expect this.

3.3: Anything sold on this store is a digital product. These digital products hold no real-world value you, by purchasing, are acknowledging this. 

3.4: When purchasing items on this store there is always the chance of the digital products taking upto 24 hours to receive for various reasons. If you do not receive your items after 24 hours we urge you to contact a member of the Senior Management Team, “SMT”, via our Discord or Forums. 

3.5: These terms of service/terms of use may be changed/modified at any time without warning. Therefore please make sure you check these terms of service/terms of use every time before purchase. 

3.6: PayPal is our main platform for transactions. Any specific form of payment methods that are not supported through PayPal are not accepted. 


Refunds (4): 

4.1: We do not offer refunds unless we deem you deserve one, as in; If we, the owners, or the service make a mistake we will refund you based upon a decision made there and then. Otherwise refunds are not a thing.

4.2: PayPal chargebacks will result in a permanent, non-negotiable, network ban of the associated Steam account effective immediately. 

4.3: All package purchases are final and cannot be exchanged for others.

Minors (5): 

5.1: Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In your capacity as a parent or legal guardian, in the event that you provide your approval to allow your minor child to use an account on the Service, you hereby agree to this Terms of Service Agreement on behalf of yourself and your minor child, and you represent and warrant that you will be responsible for all uses of the account by your minor child, whether or not such uses were authorized by you. 

Account Eligibility (6): 

6.1: You must be 13 years of age and a “natural person” to establish an account using this service. If at anytime Non-Stop Networks becomes aware that you have registered an account without meeting the eligibility criteria we reserve the right to terminate, suspend or delete the account associated. 

Changes (7): 

7.1: By using our service you acknowledge that we have the right, at our own discretion, to modify/remove packages at any given time without prior warning. Under most circumstances, however, a prior warning will be given. 

7.2: Our prices and packages are always subject to change, we are not required to give you a warning prior to these changes and this does not entitle you to a refund. Under most circumstances, however, a prior warning will be given.

Liability (8): 

8.1: Non-Stop Networks are not reliable or responsible for any data loss of any kind, hacking of any kind to the user or staff, stolen information or stolen credit information.

Billing (9): 

9.1: Any information you enter must be correct and non-fraudulent. You cancel subscriptions or services with us from your client area. It is not the responsibility of Non-Stop Networks to cancel your PayPal subscription(s). If you do not cancel your PayPal subscription(s) upon canceling your service(s), any and all payments received will not be refunded.

9.2: All package purchases are final and cannot be exchanged for others. Goods bought through our donation store cannot be transferred between Steam accounts. 

9.3: By using our service you agree to owning the donation money and/or have the bill payers consent.

9.4: If there is ever a problem with your transaction on this store contact PayPal(https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/contact-us). We are not responsible for declined cards or any other payment issues upon the end user, you. 

Terms of Use/Violation of Server Rules (10): 

10.1: By using our in-game services/goods you adhere to the rules set here(https://www.nsn.gg/) any violation of these rules may result in a permanent, non negotiable, network-wide ban placed on the associated Steam account. This does NOT entitle you to a refund of any kind. 

10.2: Abusing the digital products you received after donating may result in a permanent, non negotiable, network-wide ban. This does NOT entitle you to a refund of any kind. 

Prohibitions/Misuse (11): 

11.1: You must not misuse this Website(https://www.nsn.gg/. You will not commit or encourage a criminal offense, this includes, transmitting or distributing a virus, trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other material which is malicious, technologically harmful, in breach of local laws, confidence or in any way offensive or obscene; hack into any aspect of the Service; corrupt data; cause annoyance to other users; infringe upon the rights of any other person's proprietary rights. You will also not: send any unsolicited advertising or promotional material, commonly referred to as “spam”; or attempt to affect the performance or functionality of any computer facilities of or accessed through this Website. 


11.2: Any form of manipulation of the server of website without consent of the owners will result in a fine up to $100 and Federal disciplinary actions.

11.3: Hacking of any server/websites databases, as mentioned above, will result in a fine upto $100 and Federal disciplinary actions. 

Legal Notice (12)

12.1: Non-Stop Networks are not, in any way, affiliated with Facepunch Studios or the Valve Cooperation. We are also not a business endorsed by Facepunch Studios / Valve Cooperation. Do not contact them regarding failed payments or any other issues with our service. 

Violation of TOS (13)

13.1: The attempt of a legal dispute or chargeback will result in a permanent, non-negotiable, ban from our Network. There are NO exceptions. If necessary this dispute could also be sent to a small claims court within The United States of America.

13.2: Any forms of breaking the terms of service(TOS), will also result in a permanent, non-negotiable,  ban from our Network.